© Jerry Fielden 2016 SOCAN
Sharks and suckers dance in murky waters
Playing cards with a gun to their head
Silence is gold then so are loud words
Be careful check where you will walk and tread
Cruel deceptionist lying!
Fool deceptionist rising!
Cruel deceptionist lying!
Fool deceptionist rising!
Cruel deceptionist lying!
Fool deceptionist rising!
Cruel deceptionist lying!
Fool deceptionist rising!
Villainy afoot in crooked rule
Peers of the realm are puppets of doom
No qualms no remorse a reign of terror
Playground for their evil never caring
You believe you have them figured out
Precisely what they need you to believe
Life on the blue planet on the brink
The boat of this elite will lurch and sink
Dragging you into the deep